Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Lessons & Assignments Wednesday, August 19th

Language Arts - None - We completed our informative writing assessment today.  We also did a fun teamwork/scientific method activity where the kids had to save my friend Fred from drowning.  Pictures coming soon!

Math - None - We finished lesson 1.1 today on number patterns.  All students were able to complete their homework assignment in class today.  The colorful packets that went home today were part of the lesson, and any unfinished work on the colored pages does not need to be finished or returned.  We don't always have time to get through the entire thing.

Science - Book worksheet - We used our class time today to finish up our textbook scavenger hunt.  Those students that were not able to complete the assignment in class or study hall need to finish it for homework tonight.

Social Studies - None - We practiced identifying non-fiction text features in our social studies book today.

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