Thursday, August 20, 2015

Lessons & Assignments Thursday, August 20th

Language Arts - None - We worked on our argument (opinion) writing assessments today.  The class also helped set up our classroom iPads by loading apps.  We developed a list of rules and responsibilities together for iPad use.

Math - 1.2 #1-12 - We learned about rounding today.  3rd grade is the first time kids learn this skill, and it is a difficult one to master.  We discussed several different ways to round in our lesson, and I taught them a few tricks of my own.  One way was to use a number line as a visual.  I sent "rounding rainbows" home was a visual number line for the students.  Another way was to use place value.  I also sent home a rounding poem to help remind students how to use place value to round.  On tonight's assignment, students can use either way (number line or place value) to round to the nearest ten and the nearest hundred.  We will continue working on this skill tomorrow in class.

Science - None - We started our first chapter today, where we started to learn about science tools.  We will continue reading about science tools tomorrow, and will have a chance to explore some of the tools and see how they work.

Social Studies - None - We also started our first chapter in social studies.  We previewed unit 1 and chapter 1.  We started a vocabulary foldable that will be put in our social studies journals when we finish.

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