Monday, August 24, 2015

Lessons & Assignments Monday, August 24th

Language Arts - Study spelling & vocab - We switched teachers for the first time this year for language arts.  Please note that these assignments only apply to my language arts class.  Even though your child may have me for homeroom, your child's LA teacher may be different.  We completed our Daily Language Activity today, where we practiced finding errors in sentences.  We also completed a grammar page in class.  Our focus skill for grammar this week is using the correct punctuation in statements and questions.  Students were given their spelling and vocabulary lists for the week.  We will be tested over these words on Friday.  We reviewed our vocabulary words, and completed vocab packets in class.  These were returned to students today so they can study them each night.  Tomorrow we will start reading our weekly selection.

Math - None - I like to break the students into groups during math instruction in order to give the students an opportunity to work with me in small groups to preview the upcoming lesson.  We started math groups today.  During group work, the students working with me practiced estimating sums.  In order to estimate, we had to round, then add.  We used number lines and our iPads to practice these skills.  Independent groups reviewed addition and subtraction online, and completed a reteach page from Friday's lesson.  We will start our estimation lesson tomorrow.

Science - None - Today we read about inquiry skills such as predicting, making inferences, classifying/ordering, and gathering data.  Students practiced classifying and ordering objects in their pencil boxes.

Social Studies - None - We finished up our vocabulary foldables for our social studies journals, and started reading lesson 1 on communities.  We learned about what a community was.  See if your child can tell you the 3 things that people do in a community!

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