Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Lessons & Assignments Tuesday, August 25th

Language Arts - None - We completed our DOL and grammar page in class today.  We read a story called Tina's Try Out Day, where we reviewed our vocabulary words, and practiced identifying the characters, setting, and plot.  We also read our weekly story, First Day Jitters.  Be sure to ask your child what was so surprising about the end of this story!

Math - None - We finished lesson 1.3 on estimating sums today.  We discussed two different ways to estimate sums.  We talked about using compatible numbers such as 75 and 25, and we also talked about rounding before adding.  The students seemed more comfortable with rounding first, so we focused on that strategy for most of our lesson.  All students were able to complete their homework assignment at school today.

Science - None - We continued to read about science inquiry skills today.  We discussed the difference between facts and opinions in science, and wrote down 3 facts and 3 opinions in our science journals.

Social Studies - None - We used our social studies time today to work on some following directions activities.  We practiced following both verbal and written directions in order for me to get a sense of how the class best responds to directions.  This activity will help me guide future assignments and class activities.

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