Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Lessons & Assignments Wednesday, January 20th

Language Arts - read passage, study spelling/vocab - We completed our DOL in class today. We played a Kahoot quiz game on our iPads to review spelling, and also played an "I have, who has" game with contractions.  We continued working on our comprehension questions as well.  Mrs. Pratt and I decided to move the reading test back a day, so please note that the reading test will be on Friday this week, along with the spelling/vocab tests.

Math - None - We took the chapter 7 test over division today.  Results were sent home with students today.

Science - None - We started our next chapter in science, which will be about the water cycle.  We completed a "globe spin" activity for students to collect data on the amount of water compared to the amount of land on Earth.  We recorded the data in our journals.

Social Studies - None - We took the unit 4 test today.

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