Monday, January 11, 2016

Lessons & Assignments Monday, January 11th

Language Arts - read passage, study spelling - We took our argument writing assessment today in class.  I also handed out this week's spelling and vocabulary words.  Our test over this list will be on January 22nd.  Students are also bringing home a reading passage that needs to be practiced at home every night.  This is part of their reading test.  For first semester, I read this portion of the test aloud to the students, but would like to encourage more independence for 2nd semester.  By practicing it at home every night, your child will be better prepared for the test.

Math - None - We divided by 7 and 8 today.

Science - None - We finished reading about the importance of soil today, and also read about pollution and how it impacts our environment.

Social Studies - None - We read about inventions that have made our lives easier such as the lightbulb, the reaper, and the camera.  We completed a lesson worksheet in class.

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