Friday, January 15, 2016

Lessons & Assignments Friday, January 15th

Language Arts - None - We completed our DOL, grammar, and spelling page in class today.  The students listened to our weekly story on the iPads.  We also took practice spelling and vocabulary tests today.  Next Friday we'll take the real deal.  Today we introduced a new app called Epic.  This app contains tons of free books, and we can't wait to start reading!

Math - None - We reviewed chapter 7 today in class.

Science - None - We watched a Discovery Education video about recycling today, and listed types of recycling that we saw in our journals.  We also played a review game on the iPads.  Our open book test will be on Tuesday.

Social Studies - None - We started the chapter 8 review sheet.  We will finish this on Tuesday.

Reminder: No school Monday!

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