Thursday, January 14, 2016

Lessons & Assignments Thursday, January 14th

Language Arts-  read passage - We played a Kahoot quiz game today to sort nouns as people, places, or things.  We also played one to review contractions.  We completed our DOL, spelling, and grammar pages in class as well.  We read our weekly story called A Castle on Viola Street.  We will practice identifying the theme in this story, as well as the theme in other stories next week.  We watched a short Habitat for Humanity video on a young boy and his family working on their house.  That is the plot of our weekly story, so it fit perfectly!

Math - None - We learned about order of operations today - whew!  The kids did a great job.  We will take the next few class periods to review, and our test will be next Wed.

Science - None - We completed a lab activity on water pollution today.

Social Studies - None - We had a classroom visitor during our social studies time today.

Reminder:  Book orders due tomorrow

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