Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Lessons & Assignments Tuesday, January 19th

Language Arts - read passage, study spelling/vocab, cursive - We completed our DOL in class today.  Students had some time to work on their cursive spelling page, but those that weren't able to finish need to do it for homework tonight.  We also reviewed combining nouns in sentences by moving around the room and making sentences from various task cards.  The students listened to our weekly story on the iPads, and started working on comprehension questions over the story.  Remember to keep reading the passage that was sent home last week, and to keep studying spelling and vocab!

Math - None - We reviewed chapter 7 today.  We completed a review worksheet, and also did some online review on Go Math's website.  Our chapter 7 test will be tomorrow.

Science - None - We took our chapter 8 open book test today.

Social Studies - Chapter 8 worksheet - We continued working on the chapter 8 worksheet in class today.  We started this on Friday.  Those students that were unable to finish in the 2 class periods need to finish it for homework tonight.  We will take our open book unit test tomorrow.

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