Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Lessons & Assignments Wednesday, September 9th

Language Arts - Study spelling & vocal - We completed our DOL and grammar page in class today.  We also read our weekly story, Earth Smart.  This week we are reading an expository story, and working on finding the main idea and supporting details.  Mrs. Pratt's groups worked on identifying the main idea and details, my groups used main idea bags to determine the main idea of a group of objects, and independent groups did a long a word sort with our spelling words.

Math - 1.11 front only - We practiced combining place value to subtract today.  This is a pretty tricky concept for some kids.  Please remember that I am working on teaching several different methods to use for subtraction.  What works for me or you might not work for all kids.  The goal is to eventually find the strategy that each child is most comfortable with.  In the meantime, we might be doing one that isn't comfortable!  :)

Science - None - We reviewed today in class.  We will take our chapter 1 open book test tomorrow.

Social Studies - None - We used our social studies time to catch up on missing homework, make corrections, and take AR quizzes.  We were falling behind since I was gone yesterday, and needed a chance to catch up!

Reminder:  Picture day tomorrow

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