Monday, September 21, 2015

Lessons & Assignments Monday, September 21st

Language Arts - None - We worked on correcting some of our student writing samples today.  We also continued our wolf research on the iPads.  Our class also played a subject/predicate game.  Remember to keep studying your spelling and vocab words.  Our test will be on Friday.

Math - corrections - We previewed chapter 2 today on graphs.  Our class created a bar graph on our favorite sports, and completed the vocabulary preview sheet for this chapter.  We also did some review work with subtraction word problems.  Those students that missed problems on the review page need to make corrections tonight for homework.  There will be a note in your child's planner from me if corrections were needed.

Science - None - We continued observing our seeds today.  We also read about how scientists classify plants.  We made Venn diagrams in our science journals to compare and contrast two different types of leaves.

Social Studies - None - We read about urban communities today.  The students were really excited that our book discussed Chicago, since many of them had visited the places our book mentioned.  We also started our urban dioramas.

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