Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Lessons & Assignments Tuesday, September 29th

Language Arts - w.s. 48 & vocab packet - We completed our DOL and grammar page in class today.  For the next two weeks, we will be focusing on compound sentences.  We will be combining sentences using the conjunctions and, but, & or.  We read our weekly vocabulary story, and reviewed our new vocabulary words.  In small groups today, we practiced reading short passages and making predictions.

Math - None - We completed lesson 2.4 today on bar graphs.  In our small groups today, some groups used old Scholastic News articles to find bar graphs and describe the information in writing.  Other groups worked on reading bar graphs.

Science - None - We finished up our lima bean germination lab today.  We also read about the needs of animals.  We talked about how they need food, water, shelter, and air to survive.

Social Studies - None - We continued working on our communities projects.

Reminders:  Early dismissal tomorrow, book orders due tomorrow

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