Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Lessons & Assignments Wednesday, September 23rd

Language Arts - spelling corrections - We continued to edit our writing samples together in class today.  We also completed a subject/predicate review sheet in class.  We broke into small groups today.  Mrs. Pratt's groups worked on creating a poster with their information from their wolf research.  My groups worked on correcting the spelling of their verbs worksheet from yesterday.  We did some word building activities, and discussed phonics patterns as we made corrections.  These corrections need to be finished at home tonight.

Math - None - We finished lesson 2.1 today on tally tables and frequency tables.  We are giving small groups a try again too!  In small groups today we practiced making tallies with popsicle sticks, then transferring that information to a frequency table.  Other groups rolled dice, and tallied the sum each time.  Then they recorded that information in a frequency table.  When students were working independently, they were working on our problem of the day, and doing subtraction practice tests on the iPads.

Science - Tree worksheet - We read about how plants make food today.  We watched a Scholastic Study Jams video on photosynthesis, and even sang a karaoke song about it!   Students need to complete the reading passage and comprehension questions on photosynthesis for homework tonight.

Social Studies - None - We wrapped up our chapter on communities today by naming the three types, and the three purposes of communities.  We put this information into a foldable project that we will finish on Friday.

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