Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Lessons & Assignments Wednesday, February 3rd

Language Arts - read passage - We completed our DOL, spelling, and grammar page in class today.  The students listened to our weekly story on their ipads, and we worked in small groups.  Mrs. Pratt's groups worked on phonics skills, and my groups read our leveled readers.  We focused on vocabulary review, and our weekly skill (character, setting, plot).

Math - None - We finished lesson 8.9 today.  We used unit fractions to find the total number in a group.  For example, 3 is 1/8 of what number?

Science - None - We read about what causes seasons, and what causes day and night today. We watched a Scholastic Study Jams video on day and night.

Social Studies - None - Due to the early dismissal, we did not have social studies today.

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