Thursday, February 4, 2016

Lessons & Assignments Thursday, February 4th

Language Arts - read passage, study - We completed our DOL, spelling, and grammar pages in class.  We listened to our weekly story on the iPads, and took a practice vocabulary test.  Mrs. Pratt's groups worked on phonics, and my groups read our leveled readers.  Our biography projects were sent home today.  Please review these with your child.  The same format will be used for a biography report later this quarter, so it is important to understand the format!  Remember to study for your reading, spelling, and vocabulary tests tomorrow!

Math - none - We reviewed chapter 8 today.  Our chapter 8 test will be tomorrow.

Science - None - We read about moon phases today, and completed a moon phase worksheet together in class.

Social Studies - None - We previewed chapter 10 today and completed a vocabulary preview page.

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