Language Arts - read passage - We completed our DOL, spelling, and grammar page in class today. I distributed AR prizes for students that are meeting percentages of their quarterly goals. Congrats to my friends that earned prizes today! We listened to our weekly story,
Dear Juno, on the ipads. This week's skill is to determine the characters, setting, and plot of the story. This is a review skill, but a good one to continue practicing! We cut out and assembled our biography projects. I can't wait to start reading them. The students also had some free time to work on their AR goals today.
Math - None - We used unit fractions to find part of a group today. We drew models to find the answer to questions such as, "What is 1/3 of 12?" We talked about a few different strategies to help us figure this out, and hopefully everyone found a favorite way!
Science - None - We introduced chapter 10 today on the solar system. Our first lesson will be all about what causes the seasons. We watched a Discovery Education video about this today. Ask your child if he or she can tell you why we have seasons!
Social Studies - Chapter 9 review sheet - We had the entire class period to work on the chapter review sheet today. Those students that were unable to finish in class need to complete it for homework tonight.
Reminder: SIP early dismissal tomorrow