Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Lessons & Assignments Tuesday, December 8th

Language Arts - context clue worksheet - We completed our DOL and spelling page in class today.  We also did a fun scavenger hunt where we had to make possessive nouns out of items we found around the room.  We listened to our weekly story on the iPads, and worked in small groups.  Mrs. Pratt's groups worked on using context clues to determine unknown words, and my groups read a passage to determine the author's purpose.

Math - None - We reviewed lesson 6.6 today.  After reviewing last night's assignment, I decided we needed to review yesterday's lesson.

Science - None - We had Ag in the Classroom today.

Social Studies - None - We started reading about the first English settlement in North America.  We read about Jamestown, Virginia, John Smith, and Pocahontas.  We started a sequence activity that we will finish for our journals later.

Reminder:  SIP early dismissal tomorrow.  
Our class will be Secret Santa shopping tomorrow if your child wishes to participate.

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