Friday, December 4, 2015

Lessons & Assignments Friday, December 4th

Language Arts - None - We completed our DOL and spelling page in class today.  We also listened to our weekly story on our iPads.  Today we learned about how an author's purpose can be to Persuade, Inform, or Entertain while we made some "pie."  We also read an article about explorers, determined the author's purpose, and found details from the article that supported our conclusion.

Math - 6.5 - We learned about how subtraction and division are related today.  Our friends that weren't able to complete today's assignment in class need to finish it for homework over the weekend.

Science - None - We talked about how volcanoes and mountains are formed today by completing a lab activity with wet paper towels.  Ask your child what happened when he or she pushed on the edges of the towel.

Social Studies - None - We read about St. Augustine, Florida today and the early Spanish explorers.  Mrs. Bebon showed some pictures from a trip to St. Augustine - we LOVE looking at real life examples of what we are reading about!

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