Monday, December 7, 2015

Lessons & Assignments Monday, December 7th

Language Arts - Study spelling & vocab - We completed our DOL and grammar page in class today.  We took a practice vocabulary test, and practiced our spelling words on the Spelling City app.  We also listened to Here's My Dollar on the iPads.  We read 2 poems out of our reading books, and discussed rhyme and repetition.  We also read a passage to find the author's purpose.

Math - 6.6 #1-8 front only - We used arrays to model division today.  We used these in our multiplication chapters as well.  I gave the kids a "formula" for reading the array to count the number of rows and the number in each row to come up with the correct equation.

Science - None - The high school Spanish class visited during our science time today.

Social Studies - None - We read about the first French settlements in North America near Quebec.  We completed a worksheet together as we read.

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