Monday, November 9, 2015

Lessons & Assignments Monday, November 9th

Language Arts - None - We completed our DOL, spelling, and grammar page in class today.  Students received their new spelling and vocab lists.  They will test over these on Friday, November 20th.  Mrs. Pratt made a really cool slide show that included some videos to introduce our new vocabulary words.  We also worked in small groups today on phonics and vocabulary review with our leveled readers.

Math - None - We discussed patterns on a multiplication table today.  Finding patterns can help us check our answers, and promotes mental math skills.  The students did a great job on today's classwork!

Science - Food web worksheet - We read about food webs today.  We learned that a food web in when a food chains overlap.  We made diagrams of a food web for our journals today.  Students that didn't finish their food web worksheets in class need to finish them for homework tonight.

Social Studies -None - We read about climate and physical environments of different communities today.  We discussed how humans adapt to their environments, and how climate varies across the United States.

Reminder:  Wear red, white, & blue for our Veteran's Day program tomorrow.  
Also, book orders are due tomorrow.

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