Friday, November 20, 2015

Lessons & Assignments Friday, November 20th

Language Arts - None - We completed our DOL and a grammar page in class today.  We also took our spelling and vocab tests on Spelling City.  We did some writing today too.  Students had to roll dice to determine their character, setting, and problem for a turkey tale.  We will edit these papers next week.

Math - None - We are zooming through chapter 5!  We took a quiz over the first half of the chapter today, and also completed two lessons.  Both of our lessons today talked about multiplication strategies when multiplying by multiples of 10.

Science - None - We continued discussing igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary rock today.  We took notes for our project, and watched some Study Jams videos and slideshows about rocks and minerals.

Social Studies - None - We started our chapter 6 review sheet today.  We will finish this on Monday.

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