Monday, November 30, 2015

Lessons & Assignments Monday, November 30th

Language Arts - None - We completed our DOL, spelling, and grammar page in class today.  This week we are learning about possessive nouns.  Today we practiced adding an apostrophe and s after singular nouns.  I also handed out our new vocabulary and spelling lists today.  Students will take tests over these words on December 11th.  All of our spelling words have digraphs such as ch, th, or tch.  We introduced our new vocabulary words with a slideshow presentation.  Mrs. Pratt's small groups continued to work on possessive nouns, and my groups worked on vocabulary review with our leveled readers.

Math - None - We started chapter 6 today - division!  We practiced dividing items into equal groups, something that any student with a sibling is already inclined to do.  :)

Science - None - We played our review game today in order to prepare for tomorrow's test over rocks & minerals.

Social Studies - None - We had a classroom visitor during our social studies time today.

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