Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Lessons & Assignments Tuesday, October 27th

Language Arts - None - We completed our DOL, grammar, and spelling pages in class today.  This week we are studying words with silent letters in spelling, and making plural nouns in English.  Mrs. Pratt showed a vocabulary slide show to introduce our new vocabulary words.  In small groups, Mrs. Pratt worked on identifying silent letters in words, and my groups reviewed vocabulary using our leveled readers.

Math - None - We took our chapter 3 test today.  The class did a fantastic job on this test, and results were sent home today.

Science - None - We continued discussing changes in ecosystems today.  We made lists of items we had thrown away today, and discussed what could have been recycled instead.  We will review tomorrow, and take our chapter 4 test on Thursday.

Social Studies -None - We had classroom visitors during our social studies time today.

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