Language Arts - None - We completed our DOL, spelling, and grammar page in class today. Keep practicing those spelling words at home. This week's words are tough! We read our story,
Home-Grown Butterflies, today. We are practicing drawing conclusions as we read based on evidence in the text. Mrs. Bebon has a friend that run a butterfly conservatory in Key West Florida, so she brought in some beautiful preserved butterflies for us to see today. We also visited the website, and got to watch a live webcam of the butterflies! We also read two poems today about butterflies, and discussed the difference between free verse poems and lyrical poems.
Math - None - We finished our first lesson in chapter 4 today over multiplying by 2 and 4. Multiplying by two was pretty easy for most of the class. We made connections to our doubles addition facts that we learned in 2nd grade. In order to multiply by 4, we started by multiplying by 2, then doubled the product. More doubles! We also used the number line and equal groups strategies from our last chapter. I'm attaching a picture of the 3 different ways we discussed today when multiplying by 4.
Science - None - We took our chapter 4 science test today.
Social Studies - None - We had computers today during our science time since we will miss it tomorrow for the Halloween party.
Reminder: Bring your costume tomorrow (do not wear it to school). Parents can come help put on costumes at 1:20. The parade starts at 1:40, and class parties start at 2:00.