Monday, April 25, 2016

Lessons & Assignments Monday, April 25th

Language Arts - read passage - We completed our DOL and spelling page in class today.  We also played on online review game as a class for our grammar target this week.  We listened to our story on the iPads, and worked in small groups.  Mrs. Pratt's groups focused on phonics skills, and my groups read about African animals and practiced drawing conclusions.

Math - None - We reviewed chapter 11 today.  Our chapter 11 test will be tomorrow.

Science - None - We read about light and rainbows today.  We learned about the difference between translucent, transparent, and opaque.

Social Studies - None - We started on our field trip presentations today.  Students were provided with the presentation checklist and rubrics, and introduced to the 30 Hands app that they will use to create their presentations/speeches.

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