Monday, April 18, 2016

Lessons & Assignments Monday, April 18th

Language Arts-  read passage, vocab packet - We started a new unit today.  New spelling/vocabulary lists were sent home.  Tests over these lists will be on April 29th.  A new reading passage was also sent home.  The test over that material will be on 4/28.  We completed our DOL, spelling, and grammar pages in class today.  We also introduced our new vocabulary words, and worked on our vocab packets.  If you were unable to finish the vocab packet in class, you can get to the slideshow by visiting my blog.

Math - None - We talked about solving problems with area by noticing and comparing patterns in data.

Science - None - We watched a video on heat, light, and temperature to introduce our new chapter today.  The students completed a video response sheet in class while watching.

Social Studies - None - Due to the Arbor Day presentation, we did not have time for social studies or review lessons today.

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