Friday, March 4, 2016

Lessons & Assignments Friday, March 4th

Language Arts - None - We finished our DOL packet in class today, and took our spelling and vocabulary tests.  We also watched the video on Pixar movies, and finished up our viewing guides.  The students also had some time to read for AR today.

Math - None - We finished lesson 10.3 on time intervals (elapsed time).  We will have a few more lessons on this challenging concept.  We discussed 3 ways to figure out time intervals; using a number line, skip counting on the clock, and subtraction.  This is an easy concept to practice at home.  Have your child figure out what time you need to leave to get to practice, or what time you need to get dinner in the oven to eat at 5:30.

Science - None - We read about various types of energy sources today.  We used that information to create a graphic organizer using the Popplet app on our iPads.

Social Studies - None - We had a classroom visitor during our social studies time today.

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