Friday, March 11, 2016

Lessons & Assignments Friday, March 11th

Language Arts - None - We completed our  DOL and spelling page in class today.  We also did a sentence combining activity where students moved around the room, combining sentences from task cards.  The class also started on their weekly comprehension questions today.

Math - None - We continued reviewing time today by working on a few worksheets, using apps on the iPad, and playing the quiz game Kahoot.  We also took our mid-chapter quiz today.

Science - None - We took our mid-chapter math quiz during our science time today.

Social Studies - None - Today in computer class, Mr. Blair started teaching the kids how to access the upcoming PARCC test from the iPads.  Getting used to how the format of the test works, and how to use the technology is half of the battle!  Because they were such good listeners for his lesson, I rewarded the class with an extra recess during our social studies time today - hooray!

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