Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Lessons & Assignments Wednesday, May 18th

Language Arts - none - We reviewed parts of speech, main idea/details, synonyms & antonyms, and sight words today.

Math - none - We used our math block today to do some fun hands-on science centers.  The students got to explore inertia and fingerprinting with me, then made helicopters with Mrs. McConnell, and practiced classifying objects and more inertia with Miss Vegter.

Science - none - We took a virtual field trip to the Smithsonian National Zoo in Washington, D.C. today.  We learned all about being a zookeeper, and the unique animals at the zoo.

Social Studies - none - We used our social studies time to clean out our desks and lockers today.

Reminder:  Field Day tomorrow - no book bags needed!  

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